Tag Archive for: Denver homes for sale

“As we enter the year’s halfway point, the once predictable Denver Metro real estate market feels topsy-turvy as we navigate the new landscape.
A once reliable market with a peak selling season in June has taken a detour. The main culprit of higher interest rates is easy to identify. However contrasting perspectives on the market have been summed up well by memes circulating the internet: buyers fear a repeat of 2008, sellers hope for a return to 2021 conditions and renters expect interest rates to drop back to three percent. While none of these views are true, the increasing inventory is moving our market towards a balanced market with the current months of inventory sitting at 2.78.”
Libby Levinson-Katz
Chair of the DMAR Market Trends Committee and Denver REALTOR®
  • LUXURY MARKET ($1,000,000+): “June usually symbolizes the kick-off to summer fun in the Denver Metro area: pools open, camping spots fill up and crowded planes depart DIA for favorite vacation destinations. But for home sellers in the $1+ million real estate market, June was anything but fun. Breaking with the historical trend of high-priced sales in June, last month featured some of the most sluggish activity the $1+ million market has seen in years. The $1+ millions segment is now a full-blown buyer’s market. Sellers in this market will be left out of the summer fun unless they update their home before listing, price conservatively and expect to pay a closing concession. Otherwise, they will be sitting idle throughout the long dog days of summer.” Colleen Covell, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member & Denver REALTOR®
  • SIGNATURE MARKET ($750,000 – $999,999): “Traditionally, the 4th of July represents more than just fireworks and fun; it also marks the end of the summer buying season. This timing makes sense as most buyers want to settle into their new homes before the end of summer and the start of the school year. This year, however, the fireworks went off early, leaving June uncharacteristically slow. The gap between sellers and buyers continues to widen, as does the preference for detached over attached properties. June provided proof that this market continues to evolve and test the resilience of both buyers and sellers. As Realtors® advising our clients, using market indicators, setting expectations and relying on our intuition have never been more important.” Andrew Abrams, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member & Denver REALTOR®.
  • PREMIER MARKET ($500,000 – $749,999) “For buyer who have been looking for the past few months and missing out on homes that were selling too quickly, June brought a much slower pace. Last year, buyers in this price range had to move quickly, with homes spending a median of only seven days on the market. This year, however, that time has increased over 71.43 percent, with home staying in the MLS a median of 12 days – providing those buyers a much calmer and more controlled “Ferris wheel” type experience. Even though the largest number of transactions took place in this price category, they experienced the highest number of median days intthe MLS. What I’ve learned from the past months is that the market has become very unpredictable. It feels like nothing is making sense – like we are at the amusement park, but we’re in the fun house.” Susan Thayer, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member & Denver REALTOR®.
*Remarks from Pages 14-15 of the June 2024 Market Trends Report from DMAR
As we gear up for the new school year, setting up a productive homework space can make a big difference in your child’s academic success. From choosing a quiet spot to personalizing the area, these simple tips will help you create an environment where your kids can thrive and stay focused. Let’s make this school year the best one yet!
Choose a Quiet Spot: Select a quiet, well-lit area free from distractions.
Keep Supplies Handy: Stock up on necessary supplies like pencils, paper, and calculators.
Ergonomic Seating: Invest in an adjustable chair to ensure proper posture and comfort.
Timer or Clock: Have a clock or timer available to help your child manage their time effectively.
Organize with Bins & Shelves: Use storage solutions to keep the space tidy.
Personal Touches: Let your child personalize their space with their favorite colors, posters, or artwork.
Back to School Checklist
Get ready for the new school year with Madison’s Back-to-School Checklist!
Contact Me
5975 S. Quebec Street Suite 100,
Greenwood Village CO 80111
“Well-informed and educated sellers know interest rates have ticked up again; however, they also know that many buyers are experiencing spring fever and are sick of sitting on the fence watching home prices increase. So, savvy sellers got their property on the market and knew how to stand out. In fact, new listings increased 29.12 percent month-over-month and 22.63 percent year-over-year. But these sellers also knew they had more to compete with as active listings at month’s end rose 13.14 percent to 5,511 homes, an astounding 45.87 percent gain year-over-year.
The spring season is heating up, and the best way to find your treasure is through thoughtful strategy. Prepared sellers can curb a second round of negotiations with buyers at inspection, while strategic buyers know what they want before shopping and the options available to them.”
Libby Levinson-Katz
Chair of the DMAR Market Trends Committee | Denver REALTOR®
  • LUXURY MARKET ($1,000,000+): “The days when sellers waited for their spring gardens to bloom before listing their homes for sale are now long gone. The February weather may have said “winter,” but the market said “spring!” In the segment priced $1 million and above, sellers jumped in early, listing 689 new homes in February, resulting in the largest month-over-month increase in inventory of any segment of the market. The number of new attached homes priced at $1 million and above essentially doubled from January, up a whopping 96.77 percent, while new detached homes were up 58.99 percent.” Colleen Covell, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member & Denver REALTOR®
  • SIGNATURE MARKET ($750,000 – $999,999): “Barring a huge and unexpected influx of new listings, expect days in MLS for homes in this price segment to drop quickly and steadily through June, creating more favorable seller conditions in spring and summer. That said, ‘more favorable’ in no way means dominant. While sellers can (and should) be encouraged by improving market conditions, they should also proceed cautiously in 2024. Today’s buyers are highly educated, a little nervous, have options, and are eager to exercise them.” Michelle Schwinghammer, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member & Denver REALTOR®.
  • PREMIER MARKET ($500,000 – $749,999) “The real estate data looks like a field of shamrocks with new listings sprouting like fresh green clovers. There’s been a surge of new listings, showcasing a 22.78 percent increase compared to last month and up 22.96 percent from last year, providing a dose of optimism and signaling a promising season for both buyers and sellers. Despite the increase in listings, the close-price-to-list-price ratio remained strong at 99.65 percent, like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” Keri Duffy, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member & Denver REALTOR®.
*Remarks from Pages 14-15 of the February 2024 Market Trends Report from DMAR


New Year. New Opportunity!

What opportunities will you have to buy or sell a home this year? Don’t think you’ll have one? Think again!

Let’s start by looking waayyy back to December 2023, and then we’ll look forward.  Aside from the seasonal slowdown, higher interest rates and low inventory, have had the most impact on the market.  You can dive deeper by clicking the full Denver Real Estate Market Trends  report, and know I’m always here for you with home values and neighborhood trends catered to your specific needs. Now, back to the future.

In my experience…

Winter is the best time to buy a home. Fewer buyers are willing to face the cold, postponing their shopping for early spring, giving you an opportunity to make an offer with less (or no) competition. And sellers who sell in the winter generally have good reason to. This means their motivation is driven by their needs rather than their wants. Another opportunity!

Waiting for the rates to fall?  Don’t. While nobody knows for sure what will happen in 2024, we are anticipating multiple rate drops as the economy stabilizes, but the “waiters” often lose. Think about it. If you buy early, you’ll be gaining equity as prices rise with demand. Buyers who wait to time the market will face a different set of challenges. Lower rates bring more buyers, bidding wars and higher prices which increase the gains for those willing to buy now and refinance once all that rate dropping happens.  Today’s rates from my lending partner, Select Lending Services, look a lot better overall than where we were last year.



Let’s talk about how 2024 can open a real estate opportunity for you!

“With the holidays upon us, we are focusing on the gift of homeownership this season. Owning a home provides stability and security for many families. It is also the single largest investment most people make in their lifetime, which serves as the single best vehicle to attain individual and generational wealth. Speaking of gifts, this is my absolute favorite time for buyers to get out and shop for homes. Sellers whose properties are on the market typically need to sell and are more willing to negotiate than in March or April when the market is at its peak. Additionally, the competition from other buyers drops considerably. As such, buyers who can see the beauty of buying a home right now have their choice of home and can negotiate their way into their dream home.
Additionally, interest rates are starting a downward trend, and we as REALTORS® know that if rates continue to drop then demand will increase. In fact, many agents saw a flurry of activity last month when rates dropped buying end-of-year activity. Depend­ing on where rates trend, we may see bidding wars back before we know it.”
Libby Levinson-Katz
Chair of the DMAR Market Trends Committee | Denver REALTOR®
  • LUXURY MARKET ($1,000,000+): “Zig Ziglar once said, “Every sale has five obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” Today, all five of those obstacles present themselves clearly to home buyers and sellers in the $1 million and over price segment. Despite it all, 2023 has proven to be quite a strong year for this segment. Removing the pandemic years and comparing to 2019, sales volume year-to-date has more than doubled, closed volume has nearly doubled, new listings are up over 66%, and price per square foot is up over 14%. I predict this segment will continue to see growth as more people spend more money to experience the gift of living in Colorado.” Susan Thayer, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member & Denver REALTOR®.
  • SIGNATURE MARKET ($750,000 – $999,999): “Black Friday may only last one day in November, but for buyers in the $750,000 to $999,999 price range, the deals lasted all month. The deceleration in the market, however, should not cause any alarm. It is seasonal and expected. Historically, the holidays in November and December take precedence over home buying and selling goals, so we typically experience a decline in market activity. November and December showcase prime opportunities for serious buyers: far less competition, declining prices, expected seller concessions, and recently, declining interest rates. It’s the perfect time for them to give themselves the gift of home ownership.” Colleen Covell, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member & Denver REALTOR®.
  • PREMIER MARKET ($500,000 – $749,999) “There are few things greater than the gift of homeownership. A home can offer financial security, stability, tax benefits, and community. It also serves as the backdrop for so many wonderful moments in life, especially during the holiday season. Many buyers are inclined to hit the proverbial pause button on the home search and wait until spring. While that is an option, waiting to buy a new home likely means competition and concessions on the buyer side. Meanwhile, we have great homes on the market now with motivated sellers and less competition. Perhaps you can negotiate concessions on inspection, or maybe that low interest loan is assumable and can be transfered to the buyer. As REALTORS®, our gift is the ability to guide our clients with knowledge and savviness. End of the year is a busy time as I encourage buyers to look when no one else is. We find great homes and they pay less than if they had waited.” Nick DiPasquale, DMAR Market Trends Committee Member, and Denver REALTOR®.
*Remarks from Pages 15-16 of the December 2023 Market Trends Report from DMAR

BubbleAs a Realtor, out on the town I’m always asked, “How’s the market?” It’s the follow-up question where it really gets interesting.

The last seven years have seen a surge in the metro Denver real estate market as record numbers of buyers look for homes, which in turn has caused prices to jump. The strength in the market has been so pronounced that people are beginning to ask “Are we in another bubble?” It’s a reasonable question given the horrendous experience of the housing crisis, and while no one can ever predict the future with certainty, I see no evidence that we’re heading for a dramatic downturn in the real estate market any time soon. Here’s why:
1. Even with the continued increase in metro Denver home prices (up another 8 percent in the past 12 months) the average inflation adjusted PITI (Principle, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance) payment made in metro Denver is actually BELOW our 35-year average. This means that while prices have steadily risen, buyers are still able to afford their monthly payments, providing plenty of room for continued home price increases.
2. The number of transactions relative to the population of metro Denver is just about at the 25-year average. At the peak of the bubble in 2006 the number of home sales was about 20 percent above the historical average. When we see the number of closed transactions well above our historical average that’s an indication of an overheated market, as it was in 2006. The number of closed home sales is actually DOWN 12 percent in the past year due to the low inventory. No sign of a bubble here.
3. In 2006, many of the deals were closed with low or no documentation mortgages (“liar loans” or “no doc loans”). Today, mortgage underwriting standards are among the toughest they’ve been in decades. This prevents unqualified buyers from purchasing property, which mitigates the chance of the market overheating (fewer buyers means fewer purchases means less chance of the market frothing into bubble territory like it did in the past).
4. Because of relatively high home affordability it’s a lot cheaper to buy than rent in our market. This would not be true in a bubble. For housing price affordability to return to the average level that we saw in the years between 2000 and 2004 either home prices would have to increase an additional 35 percent or interest rates rise to 6.6 percent. Neither is going to happen any time soon.
5. The imbalance between buyers and sellers we’ve seen recently in our housing market (too many buyers/not enough homes for sale) is due to a lack of inventory, not illogical/unrealistic/unsustainable demand from buyers. “Much of the price increases we are seeing are the result of rising demand among investors and homebuyers for a still-limited supply of homes for sale,” said Anand Nallathambi, president and CEO of CoreLogic. This imbalance is a logical correction from years past when we had too FEW buyers in the market. This is how markets are supposed to work, always regressing to the mean over time.
6. Rising mortgage rates will help to temper the possibility of a bubble as well (they are still near 50-year lows but are expected to rise someday). “History shows that a rapid rise in interest rates tends to have little correlation with home prices. Rather, rising rates are more likely to contribute to a decrease in home purchase volume,” wrote Mark Palim in a Fannie Mae commentary. So the positive side of a rise in mortgage rates is that it will reduce the number of buyers and therefore lower the chance the market will rise out of control and end up collapsing in a bubble.
Click on the monthly market snapshot, the inventory of metro Denver homes for sale continues to fall; it’s down another 5 percent from a year ago. Since the inventory is still extremely low (about 5,520 homes on the market where about 18,000 is a balanced market) I am all but certain the demand will still exceed the supply for the next several years and prices will continue to rise for the foreseeable future. No bubble on the horizon yet… Stay tuned!
June 16 - Market Snapshot [5608]

If you agree that we’re not headed for a bubble any time soon what does this mean for you as a buyer? I think it means you should consider buying a home IF it makes sense for you to do so. Are you running out of room at home? Expecting a baby? Have an awful commute? Want to live in a nicer neighborhood? Looking for a better school district for the kids? There are a lot of great reasons to move. But don’t buy a home to speculate on the market; buy because it’s time for a new home. Call me anytime to discuss what your options are and how I can help you find a wonderful place to live.
We have been discussing the incredible strength in our housing market. If you’re looking to sell your home this should be very welcoming news! The inventory of homes on the market is at an all-time low and prices are up. Call me and I’ll be happy to run a complimentary Comparative Market Analysis on your home to let you know what it might be worth. It’s great information and costs you nothing.
The most recent “Metro Denver Area Residential Rent and Vacancy Survey” shows the great news continues for landlords. According to the report:
“The overall vacancy rate for the metro area for the fourth quarter of 2015 was 3.1 compared to 3.9 percent for the previous quarter, and 1.5 percent for the fourth quarter of 2014. It was 2.0 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013, 1.7 percent for the fourth quarter of 2012, 2.1 percent for the fourth quarter of 2011, 2.0 for the fourth quarter of 2010, 5.5 for the fourth quarter of 2009, and 4.9 percent for the fourth quarter of 2008.”
In the U.S., more millionaires owe their wealth to real estate investments than any other single source of income. Today’s market could not be better for long-term buy –and-hold investors. Call me to find out more.

Vacancy Rates
Adams 3.9%
Arapahoe 4.0%
Boulder/Broomfield 2.7%
Denver 3.1%
Douglas 1.7%
Jefferson 2.6%

Everybody loves Zillow. I love Zillow. I love how excited it gets buyers and sellers when they see a home they love or what a neighbor’s house is selling for; a useful tool in many ways, for better or worse, it empowers the consumer. I look at Zillow to see what my clients/potential clients are taking as accurate information… and then I do my homework. The #Denver #realestate market is moving so quickly that even agents and appraisers can have a hard time keeping up. Public record algorithms don’t have the ability to distinguish the differences in the quality of one property from the other, upgrades, location, or if there’s a crack house next door. Algorithms don’t call other agents to inquire about that “Coming Soon” sign or have the latest data on solds as it takes some time to record.
The Los Angeles Times recently published an article that lays it out quite clearly. Though a “Zestimate” can have a low margin of error, it can also be alarmingly high. Imagine a scenario where you’re meeting with your perspective agent thinking that your home is worth 26% more than what it will really sell for.
Sellers, armed with the Internet, often have an idea in their heads about their home’s value. When I pull comparable properties, show them what the list vs sold prices are and how many days on market it’s taken those homes to sell, they may find a different story. Sometimes the news is good, based upon my data, their home may be worth more than they think. Other times it can be a let down.
Buyers burn the midnight oil searching Zillow then send me a link to their dream home. When I hit the MLS at 7 a.m. most often I find that this dream home is under contract… or sold three months ago. If you’re looking to buy a home, I’ll send you to REColorado, the consumer website linked to the Denver Matrix MLS I use so we can work together efficiently. It’s updated throughout the day, has great home search capabilities and saves me time looking for your real home, not the one someone’s already moving in to.
All this to point out that you now have access to a lot of information about my business. A lot of it is helpful and a whole lot of fun, but none is as accurate as hiring a professional; one who specializes in finding the right home in the right neighborhood that suits your needs. If you’d like an “Exact-i-mate” about what your home might sell for in today’s Denver market, give me a call I’d be glad to sit down with you and show you your market value and why.

Denver is a crazy-hot real estate market right now with low inventory and multiple offer situations, especially in desirable neighborhoods like Park Hill. Whether you are buying, selling or both, you’ll need to be very prepared and your first step is finding the right Realtor®. Listen to what the Bernuths have to say about their experience.

Jim and Mary Bernuth wanted to downsize from their beautiful Congress Park bungalow to something smaller but with the same charm.We looked at many homes but the heat turned up when their Congress Park beauty went under contract. Like most current sellers, they were nervous about finding the right replacement home and timing both transactions to make a seamless move. We found “The One” and quickly put in an offer… which was rejected. The sale of their home was complicated on the buyers’ side, adding to the stress. Thank you, Jim and Mary, for sharing how it turned out for you and why you recommend TracysDenverHomes for your real estate needs. Click here for more information on the current Denver market.

Market Snapshot september I’m frequently asked where the real estate market is headed and when we will get back to some kind of equilibrium. The truth is it’s extremely difficult to accurately predict the future but here’s what I know: Right now we are experiencing one of the strongest seller’s markets in our history and we’re a full six and a half years into this market recovery. The reason is simple: we have much more demand for homes (buyers) than we have supply of homes (sellers). What’s fascinating to watch is the dynamic build on itself. It looks something like this:
1.Buyers make offers on homes and continue to lose out to higher offers.
2.Buyers get increasingly frustrated and begin to get more aggressive with their offers.
3.The momentum builds on itself until we see what is occurring today, with multiple offers on a propertythe norm rather than the exception.
4.The multiple offer dynamic almost always bids prices higher than the original asking price.
5.The buyers that lose the bid learn from the experience and become more aggressive on their next offer.
6.Then back to Step 1, until the buyer bids high enough on a property to finally get an offer accepted.
The result of course is the tremendously strong seller’s market we have experienced for the past several years. And this seller’s market is not going to change any time soon, at least not until we get back to some kind of balance in the market between buyers and sellers. I don’t see that happening for at least several more years. In the meantime, if you’ve thought about selling your home, now might be a great time to find out what the market is like in your neighborhood and see what your home is worth. It’s almost certainly worth more than it was just a few years ago. Drop me a line and I’ll put together a professional Competitive Market Analysis on your home so you have the data to make the right decision.
Another question my potential sellers often ask is if they sell today, can they find a replacement home in time to move? In a market like ours this is a very good question. Fortunately, there are a number of things savvy sellers can do to take advantage of the seller’s market and put themselves in a good position when looking for their replacement home.
Here are a few:
1.First and foremost, work with an experienced agent to write a strong, professional offer on the home you want to buy. In a dramatically competitive market like we have now, weak, poorly written, unprofessional, and bad offers just aren’t taken seriously. There is both an art and a science to writing a strong offer. Call me and I’ll explain more about how to write an offer that has a great chance of getting accepted.
2.Add a contingency clause to your contract to buy another home. The clause would say that you will close on the home you are purchasing once your own home sells. The problem with this is that it somewhat weakens your offer as many sellers don’t want to accept a contingency when they can sell quickly to the next buyer. But occasionally we do run across a seller that is in no hurry and is happy to wait for the buyer’s home to sell.
3.Lease the home you just sold from the buyer for a period of time while you are looking for your new home (this is called a lease back). Some buyers do not want or are not able to move into their new home immediately and this permits them to earn rent from you for the period of time you are shopping for your next purchase, a win-win situation. 4.Look into a new construction purchase. Builders are building as fast as they can in this market to keep up with demand and there may be inventory of completed or soon-to-be-completed homes that could suit you. 5.Arrange to stay with family or move into short-term rental housing until you find your next home. While not a perfect solution I believe it’s far better to inconvenience yourself for a short period of time than to settle for anything less than your dream home!
september graphic
“Denver apartment rents rising three times the national average”

This was the Denver Business Journal’s Sept. 2 headline. Denver rents have increased another 7 percent in the past year, which is three times the national average of 2.3 percent. And given the continued lack of rental inventory, rents are expected to continue increasing at a strong pace. Sooooooo…. 1.If you’re a renter it might be time to consider looking into buying a home to get out of the rental market madness! 2.If you’ve ever thought about buying a rental as a long-term investment now might be the time to learn how to purchase a safe, cashflowing property. Interest rates are still near record lows and rents havenever been higher, a wonderful combination for any real estate investor.

Mortgage rates continue to hover at near-record lows. For homeowners looking to upgrade to a larger, better home, low rates combined with low home inventory are making this a great time to upgrade to a larger home with very nearly the same monthly payment. We have several recent examples of clients selling their current homes and getting into a $40,000 – $50,000 more expensive home with the exact same monthly payment. Please give me a call or send me and e-mail and I’ll do a free analysis to see if this might be a good scenario for you to take advantage of.